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Warehousing in 2023: Exclusive Interview with 3月卢 and Bisnow

For years it seemed as though 新泽西’s demand for industrial spaces — which intensified during the pandemic — would never end.

Developers stepped up to build more warehouses throughout the state to accommodate the rise of e-commerce.

这种需求最近一直在减弱, and the industrial sector is coming down from its high point and returning closer to normal. 

大约6.4M SF was leased in 新泽西 in the second quarter, a 25% decline from Q1 2023 and a 28.与2022年第二季度相比下降了8% 高力第二季度报告.

3月卢, owner and founder of 新泽西-based construction company 3月施工, said that the current softening in the Garden State’s industrial sector is a result of 利率上升 上限税率. 

Bisnow sat down with March to discuss how the company had contributed to the warehousing boom in 新泽西 and why preplanning and maintaining strong relationships with subcontractors are essential to ensure a successful project.

3月施工 owner and founder 3月卢 (third from left) with 3月施工 team

Bisnow: How has 3月施工 not only adapted but thrived in a changing market?

3月: One strategy we’ve employed is doing joint ventures with our clients. This approach lets us get into the initial stages of planning and construction early on. 通过这样做,我们能够确保长期领先的项目. 

我们可以提前获得电气开关设备, 大约在破土动工前的五到六个月. This early procurement is a game-changer for us because it gives us a firmer grip on our schedules.

在合资企业中, everyone pools their expertise together from all aspects of construction and development. We work as a team to achieve a shared goal and a better end result.

The construction timeline has also been on our radar lately, 尤其是在新贷款利率上升的情况下. 随着时间的推移,我们正在密切关注施工进度, and applying every little strategy that can help us compress that time frame.

The quicker the project is, the less interest our clients must bear. We are working on a six-story industrial warehouse at 博登大街23-30号. 在纽约皇后区. 为了这个项目,我们推出了加班计划.

We shaved off several months from the project timeline, and that means carrying a lot less interest. 这对我们客户的预算产生了巨大的影响. 

我们的策略很简单:获取一切, 从分包商到材料, 排队准备出发. This preparation lets us navigate our construction projects smoothly from beginning to end.

博登大街23-30号. 在纽约皇后区

Bisnow: How does 3月施工 collaborate with clients in the industrial sector? 你们提供什么服务让你们与众不同?

3月: We pride ourselves on getting involved early in the development process through our pre-construction services.

We helped clients overcome the impact of inflation by working closely with the development and ownership teams and value-engineering their projects, saving a significant amount on construction costs while maintaining the quality of the building.

We have a legacy that spans 38 years in the construction market. Over this period, we’ve nurtured a strong subcontractor network.

A lot of this comes down to always treating our subcontractors with respect. We use our good ties with subcontractors to firm up budgets early and always look for opportunities to make purchases ahead of time.

博登大街23-30号. 在纽约皇后区

比斯诺:在一个时间就是金钱的行业里, how does 3月施工 ensure that its warehouse projects are on time and on budget?

3月: 我们的方法取决于详细的施工前规划. We work closely with clients to understand their requirements early on.

We provide clear and accurate cost predictions, setting a realistic financial framework from day one. Our emphasis on value engineering means we find smart ways to save on costs without affecting the project’s quality.

除了, 我们已经建立了稳固的沟通渠道, 配合高效的项目管理工具, 确保每个人都在同一页上. 

因为我们在这一行已经干了几十年了, we’ve built strong ties with subcontractors and specialists, 使我们在项目及时执行方面具有优势. If challenges do come up, our risk management strategies kick in, ensuring projects stay on track.

在本质上, 我们对规划的执着, collaboration and industry know-how helps us deliver warehouse projects both on time and within budget. 

The video below depicts 3月施工 discussing its recent industrial projects.



Digital Marketing Manager 对此年代amman of 3月施工

作家伊丽莎白·莱恩 比斯诺,B工作室

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